terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012

Se eu tivesse vinte anos e soubesse o que sei hoje,
Pintava a manta da vida cor-de-burro quando foge.

“Perdido por Cem”

Depois das horas mais sérias o dia tem horas suaves

Rio-me contigo das coisas ligeiras que vamos vivendo

Levo-te comigo ao mundo perfeito que construí para ti

Embalada no perfume das pétalas de oiro do teu olhar 

Aconchegada à beirinha da voz cálida do teu sorriso

quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2012

"Jellicle songs for Jellicle Cats"

Jeremy Bentham on the suffering
of non-human animals

Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation

“...the question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? Why should the law refuse its protection to any sensitive being?... The time will come when humanity will extend its mantle over everything which breathes... "


segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2012

Sir James Paul McCartney

Rock in Rio Lisboa 2004

Sir James Paul McCartney

You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too, yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.

Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party

I would like you to dance (Birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
I would like you to dance (Birthday)

I would like you to dance (Birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
I would like you to dance (Birthday)

You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too, yeah
You say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday

Happy birthday to you, Paul !

The Beatles -Happy birthday